
15 0 2024-10-22

## 挑战你的舌尖:En 与 Eng 的绕口令


汉语拼音中,“en”和“eng”的发音区别常常让学习者感到困惑,也成为绕口令创作的绝佳素材。本文将介绍一些以“en”和“eng”为主题的绕口令,帮助你锻炼发音,感受语言的趣味。### 第一关:单音节挑战

en - eng 交替

1. ēn ēng ēn ēng,分清en和eng。(ēn ēng ēn ēng, distinguish between en and eng.)2. 天天练习en eng en eng,不怕eng和en难分清。(Practice en eng en eng every day, and you won't be afraid to distinguish between eng and en.)

## 挑战你的舌尖:En 与 Eng 的绕口令


汉语拼音中,“en”和“eng”的发音区别常常让学习者感到困惑,也成为绕口令创作的绝佳素材。本文将介绍一些以“en”和“eng”为主题的绕口令,帮助你锻炼发音,感受语言的趣味。### 第一关:单音节挑战

en - eng 交替

1. ēn ēng ēn ēng,分清en和eng。(ēn ēng ēn ēng, distinguish between en and eng.)2. 天天练习en eng en eng,不怕eng和en难分清。(Practice en eng en eng every day, and you won't be afraid to distinguish between eng and en.)


1. 一声ēn,二声én,三声ěn,四声èn,eng也一样,你能分清吗?(First tone ēn, second tone én, third tone ěn, fourth tone èn, the same goes for eng, can you tell the difference?)### 第二关:词语接龙1.

奔 (bēn) - 崩 (bēng)

小笨笨 (bèn ben) 奔跑 (bēn pǎo) 撞到山崩 (shān bēng)。(Little Benben ran and bumped into a landslide.)2.

陈 (chén) - 撑 (chēng)

老陈 (lǎo Chén) 撑着 (chēng zhe) 伞,雨停 (yǔ tíng) 了还不肯 (bù kěn) 走。(Old Chen held an umbrella, and even though the rain stopped, he refused to leave.)### 第三关:句子迷宫1.

真真 (Zhēnzhēn) 跟 (gēn) 珍珍 (Zhēnzhēn) 去 (qù) 耕田 (gēng tián),珍珍 (Zhēnzhēn) 耕田 (gēng tián) 真认真 (zhēn rèn zhēn)。

(Zhenzhen went to plow the field with Zhenzhen, and Zhenzhen was really serious about plowing the field.)2.

盆 (pén) 里 (lǐ) 有 (yǒu) 几 (jǐ) 根 (gēn) 针 (zhēn)?棚 (péng) 上 (shàng) 有 (yǒu) 几 (jǐ) 只 (zhī) 灯 (dēng)?

(How many needles are there in the basin? How many lamps are there on the shed?)


学习语言是一个充满乐趣的过程, “en”和“eng”的绕口令挑战,不仅可以帮助你区分这两个音节,更能让你在玩乐中感受汉语的魅力。