### 简介中秋节是中国传统节日之一,承载着团圆、思乡的情感。自古以来,文人墨客为中秋佳节创作了诸多优美动人的诗词,这些诗词不仅展示了古代社会的生活风貌,也传递了对家人的思念之情。本文将选取几首著名的中秋节古诗,并提供其英文翻译,以飨读者。### 一、《静夜思》——李白#### 原文: 床前明月光,疑是地上霜。 举头望明月,低头思故乡。#### 英文翻译: Beside my bed a pool of light— Is it hoarfrost on the ground? I lift my eyes and see the moon, I bend my head and think of home.### 二、《水调歌头·明月几时有》——苏轼#### 原文: 明月几时有?把酒问青天。 不知天上宫阙,今夕是何年? 我欲乘风归去,又恐琼楼玉宇,高处不胜寒。 起舞弄清影,何似在人间!#### 英文翻译: How long will the full moon appear? Wine cup in hand, I ask the sky. I do not know what time of the year It would be tonight in the palace on high. Riding the wind, there I would fly, Yet I’m afraid the crystalline palace would be Too high and cold for me. I rise and dance with my shadow, Still better than being alone among men!### 三、《十五夜望月寄杜郎中》——王建#### 原文: 中庭地白树栖鸦,冷露无声湿桂花。 今夜月明人尽望,不知秋思落谁家?#### 英文翻译: The courtyard is bathed in white moonlight, Crows roost in the trees. Silent dew moistens the osmanthus. Tonight all gaze at the bright moon, Who knows where the autumn thoughts will fall?### 四、《中秋月》——晏殊#### 原文: 十轮霜影转庭梧,此夕羁人独向隅。 未必素娥无怅恨,玉蟾清冷桂花孤。#### 英文翻译: The shadows of the round moon cast by the courtyard trees, This night, the wanderer stands alone in a corner. Even if the moon goddess is free from sorrow, She still feels lonely beneath the clear, cold moon, With only the solitary osmanthus to keep her company.### 五、《八月十五日夜湓亭望月》——白居易#### 原文: 昔年八月十五夜,曲江池畔杏园边。 今年八月十五夜,湓浦沙头水馆前。 西北望乡何处是,东南见月几回圆。 临风一叹无人会,今夜清光似往年。#### 英文翻译: In the eighth month of last year, Under the moon at Qujiang Pool, by the apricot garden. In this eighth month, under the moon, Before the water pavilion at Penglai. Where can I look to find my hometown in the northwest? How many times have I seen the moon round in the southeast? Alone I sigh into the wind, none understanding, The clear light tonight is as it was in the past.### 结语这些诗歌不仅反映了古人对中秋佳节的独特情感,也展现了他们对自然美的敏锐感知。通过这些优美的诗句,我们仿佛能穿越时空,感受到那份穿越千年的深情厚谊。希望这些译文能够帮助更多的人理解并欣赏这些流传千古的佳作。
### 简介中秋节是中国传统节日之一,承载着团圆、思乡的情感。自古以来,文人墨客为中秋佳节创作了诸多优美动人的诗词,这些诗词不仅展示了古代社会的生活风貌,也传递了对家人的思念之情。本文将选取几首著名的中秋节古诗,并提供其英文翻译,以飨读者。### 一、《静夜思》——李白#### 原文: 床前明月光,疑是地上霜。 举头望明月,低头思故乡。#### 英文翻译: Beside my bed a pool of light— Is it hoarfrost on the ground? I lift my eyes and see the moon, I bend my head and think of home.### 二、《水调歌头·明月几时有》——苏轼#### 原文: 明月几时有?把酒问青天。 不知天上宫阙,今夕是何年? 我欲乘风归去,又恐琼楼玉宇,高处不胜寒。 起舞弄清影,何似在人间!#### 英文翻译: How long will the full moon appear? Wine cup in hand, I ask the sky. I do not know what time of the year It would be tonight in the palace on high. Riding the wind, there I would fly, Yet I’m afraid the crystalline palace would be Too high and cold for me. I rise and dance with my shadow, Still better than being alone among men!### 三、《十五夜望月寄杜郎中》——王建#### 原文: 中庭地白树栖鸦,冷露无声湿桂花。 今夜月明人尽望,不知秋思落谁家?#### 英文翻译: The courtyard is bathed in white moonlight, Crows roost in the trees. Silent dew moistens the osmanthus. Tonight all gaze at the bright moon, Who knows where the autumn thoughts will fall?### 四、《中秋月》——晏殊#### 原文: 十轮霜影转庭梧,此夕羁人独向隅。 未必素娥无怅恨,玉蟾清冷桂花孤。#### 英文翻译: The shadows of the round moon cast by the courtyard trees, This night, the wanderer stands alone in a corner. Even if the moon goddess is free from sorrow, She still feels lonely beneath the clear, cold moon, With only the solitary osmanthus to keep her company.### 五、《八月十五日夜湓亭望月》——白居易#### 原文: 昔年八月十五夜,曲江池畔杏园边。 今年八月十五夜,湓浦沙头水馆前。 西北望乡何处是,东南见月几回圆。 临风一叹无人会,今夜清光似往年。#### 英文翻译: In the eighth month of last year, Under the moon at Qujiang Pool, by the apricot garden. In this eighth month, under the moon, Before the water pavilion at Penglai. Where can I look to find my hometown in the northwest? How many times have I seen the moon round in the southeast? Alone I sigh into the wind, none understanding, The clear light tonight is as it was in the past.### 结语这些诗歌不仅反映了古人对中秋佳节的独特情感,也展现了他们对自然美的敏锐感知。通过这些优美的诗句,我们仿佛能穿越时空,感受到那份穿越千年的深情厚谊。希望这些译文能够帮助更多的人理解并欣赏这些流传千古的佳作。
原文: 床前明月光,疑是地上霜。 举头望明月,低头思故乡。
英文翻译: Beside my bed a pool of light— Is it hoarfrost on the ground? I lift my eyes and see the moon, I bend my head and think of home.
原文: 明月几时有?把酒问青天。 不知天上宫阙,今夕是何年? 我欲乘风归去,又恐琼楼玉宇,高处不胜寒。 起舞弄清影,何似在人间!
英文翻译: How long will the full moon appear? Wine cup in hand, I ask the sky. I do not know what time of the year It would be tonight in the palace on high. Riding the wind, there I would fly, Yet I’m afraid the crystalline palace would be Too high and cold for me. I rise and dance with my shadow, Still better than being alone among men!
原文: 中庭地白树栖鸦,冷露无声湿桂花。 今夜月明人尽望,不知秋思落谁家?
英文翻译: The courtyard is bathed in white moonlight, Crows roost in the trees. Silent dew moistens the osmanthus. Tonight all gaze at the bright moon, Who knows where the autumn thoughts will fall?
原文: 十轮霜影转庭梧,此夕羁人独向隅。 未必素娥无怅恨,玉蟾清冷桂花孤。
英文翻译: The shadows of the round moon cast by the courtyard trees, This night, the wanderer stands alone in a corner. Even if the moon goddess is free from sorrow, She still feels lonely beneath the clear, cold moon, With only the solitary osmanthus to keep her company.
原文: 昔年八月十五夜,曲江池畔杏园边。 今年八月十五夜,湓浦沙头水馆前。 西北望乡何处是,东南见月几回圆。 临风一叹无人会,今夜清光似往年。
英文翻译: In the eighth month of last year, Under the moon at Qujiang Pool, by the apricot garden. In this eighth month, under the moon, Before the water pavilion at Penglai. Where can I look to find my hometown in the northwest? How many times have I seen the moon round in the southeast? Alone I sigh into the wind, none understanding, The clear light tonight is as it was in the past.