
49 0 2024-04-05


I. 目录

1. 邻近的(Adjective)

2. 接近地(Adverb)

3. 在...附近(Preposition)

II. 邻近的(Adjective)

在表示位置接近的含义上,我们可以使用以下几个同义词:close、adjacent、proximate和neighboring。例如,"The bank is close to the supermarket." 可以改成 "The bank is near the supermarket." 或者 "The bank is adjacent to the supermarket."。


I. 目录

1. 邻近的(Adjective)

2. 接近地(Adverb)

3. 在...附近(Preposition)

II. 邻近的(Adjective)

在表示位置接近的含义上,我们可以使用以下几个同义词:close、adjacent、proximate和neighboring。例如,"The bank is close to the supermarket." 可以改成 "The bank is near the supermarket." 或者 "The bank is adjacent to the supermarket."。

III. 接近地(Adverb)

如果我们想要表示某个动作或状态的程度很接近,可以使用以下同义词:nearly、almost、practically和virtually。例如,"She nearly missed her flight." 可以改成 "She was near to missing her flight." 或者 "She almost missed her flight."。

IV. 在...附近(Preposition)

当我们要描述某物或某人在某个地方附近时,可以使用以下同义词:by、beside、close to和next to。例如,"The park is by the river." 可以改成 "The park is near the river." 或者 "The park is close to the river."。
