
33 0 2024-04-12


一、天地玄黄,宇宙洪荒。天地有正气,杂然赋流形。 (The universe is vast and endless. There is a righteous force in the heavens and the earth.)

二、承奉神明,陈词定规。光宅百官,下及鸿毛。 (We should respect the gods and adhere to the laws. Everyone, from officials to ordinary people, has their own responsibilities.)


一、天地玄黄,宇宙洪荒。天地有正气,杂然赋流形。 (The universe is vast and endless. There is a righteous force in the heavens and the earth.)

二、承奉神明,陈词定规。光宅百官,下及鸿毛。 (We should respect the gods and adhere to the laws. Everyone, from officials to ordinary people, has their own responsibilities.)

三、始制文字,乃服衣裳。推位让国,有虞陶唐。 (In ancient times, people began to use written characters and wear clothes. From the legendary emperors, Yu, Tao, and Tang, to the later kings and rulers.)

四、吊民伐罪,周发殷汤。坐朝问道,垂拱平章。 (The rulers sought to bring justice to the people, and successive dynasties like the Zhou, Shang, and Xia did their best to govern the country.)

五、爱育黎首,臣伏戎羌。遐迩一体,率宾归王。 (The rulers cared for their people and won the loyalty of neighboring tribes. The people rallied together and followed the king's orders.)

六、鸣凤在树,白驹食场。化被草木,赖及万方。 (Phoenixes soared in the trees and white horses grazed in the fields. Their influence extended to countless people and places.)

七、盖此身发,四大五常。恭惟鞠养,岂敢毁伤? (We rely on the Four Great Elements and the Five Constant Virtues to nourish our bodies. We should be grateful and never harm others.)

八、女慕贞絜,男效才良。知过必改,得能莫忘。 (Women should cultivate their virtues, and men should strive for excellence. We should learn from our mistakes and not forget our abilities.)

九、罔谈彼短,靡恃己长。信使可覆,器欲难量。 (We should not focus on others' shortcomings or rely solely on our own strengths. A trustworthy person may also commit mistakes, and it is difficult to measure someone's true abilities.)

十、墨悲丝染,诗赞羔羊。景行维贤,克念作圣。 (Ink laments silk's coloration, and poetry praises the lamb. We should strive to be virtuous and remember the teachings of the sages.)
