Always is an adverb that is commonly used to indicate that something happens continuously or on a regular basis. It can also express a strong belief or conviction about something. In this article, we will explore the different ways in which "always" can be used in sentences.
Always is an adverb that is commonly used to indicate that something happens continuously or on a regular basis. It can also express a strong belief or conviction about something. In this article, we will explore the different ways in which "always" can be used in sentences.
I. Definition of "always"
A. Continuous action or occurrence
1. She always goes for a run in the morning.
2. He always arrives late to class.
B. Regular action or occurrence
1. We always have dinner together as a family.
2. They always celebrate their anniversary with a special trip.
C. Strong belief or conviction
1. She always believes in the power of positivity.
2. He always trusts his instincts when making important decisions.
II. Examples of "always" in sentences
A. Continuous action or occurrence
1. Sarah always sings in the shower.
2. The baby always cries when she is hungry.
B. Regular action or occurrence
1. We always visit our grandparents during the holidays.
2. He always takes a walk in the park after work.
C. Strong belief or conviction
1. They always support each other no matter what.
2. She always strives for excellence in everything she does.
III. Expressions with "always"
A. Always there for someone
1. My best friend is always there for me when I need her.
2. He is always there to lend a helping hand to those in need.
B. Always on time
1. The train is always on time, which is very convenient.
2. She is always on time for her appointments.
C. Always a pleasure
1. It is always a pleasure to visit my favorite coffee shop.
2. Meeting new people is always a pleasure for her.
IV. Conclusion
In conclusion, "always" is a versatile adverb that can be used to describe continuous or regular actions, as well as express strong beliefs or convictions. Whether it is in reference to someone's behavior or a personal conviction, "always" adds emphasis and certainty to sentences. It is a word that is commonly used in everyday conversations and is an important tool in effective communication.